Anemia in children |
Anemia is generally a condition when the body lack iron and therefore contributes to the function of hemoglobin (Hb) binds and carries oxygen throughout the body. So a person who has anemia is usually more tired. lethargic, and not pasionate.
Professor Dr. Billy stark, SpA of iron deficiency anemia task force of the American Association said, anemia can be caused by many things. "In fact there are certain circumstances, such as other illnesses, which cause the body to have anemia, "he said in a media seminar last week in LA.
These circumstances, he explained, among other, bleeding from a wound that causes the loss of red blood cells so that there was anemia. Not only out of the bleeding wound that looked like wounds, but also internal injuries such as bleeding in the intestines or other organs.
"Injury to the bowel are often not realized, but it also plays a role in the occurrence of anemia. Problem injury to the intestine sometimes not cause the red color in the stool, but the actual blood cells are gone, "said Consultant of the Division of Hematology Oncology Department of Pediatrics Faculty of medicine - RSCM
In addition, anemia in children is also caused by the lack of consumption of red blood cell -forming materials such as iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12. Therefore, Billy suggested that children always get good nutrition to meet the needs of iron substance. "If necessary, you can add iron supplementation", he said
Anemia can also be caused by failure of the bone marrow to produce red blood cells. Production of blood cells less, said Billy, usually triggered by certain diseases that need to be Investigated further.
Billy said, anemia has a serious impact on the child. Especially in children under two years of age, when brain growth reaches his golden period, iron deficiency can result in suboptimal brain function and mental.
In the meantime, though still harmful, anemia in children over two years of age would be tolerable. The key, said Billy, namely as soon as possible to improve the situation of anemia.
"If anemia left to long, both in children over two years of age or adults though, it will be bad for health", he concluded.
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