Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

How to train a dog pet

Have your ever met or even complain about a dog like this. . ?

" I do not want to think DOG if called upon ".

" My DOG keeps barking until-until the neighbors complained".

" My DOG always jumps towards me and the guest".

IN all these cases, the dog owners are frustrated asked, "What should I do?"
These answer is to provide basic obedince training - teaching your dog to obey commands simple, Nah, how you can train your dog so that the obey?

It was the size of this ability to exercise dogs by age
Age 1-5 months
The command must be trained :
- notice
- come when called
-wait - run body strap and leash - sitting - ban touching objects.

Light exercise : - shake hands - barking

Age 5-8 months
The command must be trained :
- lay
- releasing objects
- sit still - standing

Light exercise : - kiss -sulking - rolled

Age 8-12 months
The command must be trained :
- Improvement exercise adherence
- Forward - training at the age of 1-5 month and 5-8 months

Light exercise : - swirling - rolling - recumbent - at rest

1. Created pleasant conditions when training
2. Search how easy and not confusing to dogs
3. Cultivate in mind that your dog is the leader
4. Do not snapped the dog if he did not obey orders
5. Immediately stop exercising if you begin to feel uncomfortable in training

Dog training Tips-Tips
1. Always use the same word for each command.
2. Dogs like to be called by his name. So, include your name when giving orders. ( "Nero,  sit down !") But, do not call his name when scolded, like the command" Stop !"
3. Frequently give him praise. Many dogs will be under if given affection than fed.
4. Practice time should be short and fun.
5. Do not give him too much attention when he was acting so you unknowingly supporting mischief.

Corporal punishment

such as hitting or kicking, is not necessary. " I just say 'Stop' and sharply higher order the dog to know that I was not happy with his behavior, "If you have to act tougher, hold his neck and shake gently while saying "Stop". Reprimand should be given during or immediately after the dog does something undesirable. Remember, a dog will not know why he was scolded when he scolded a few minutes or hours after mischief. He also tid.

How to Teach a dog shake hands ?

by the way give the command "hello" to our reared dog and do that many" everyday. Nothing long your dog will do the greeting when you ordered for a handshake.

How to Teach that dog out of the room when we told him ?

dogs when we entered the room we deem entry. We dog should not be able to give the command "Exit" with a slight tinge of forced entry ape. If dogs still do not treat a dog with a rough, but hold the skin over the neck of the dog and drag it slowly out the room and when he is going to enter again give warning "Stop". done in many".

How to Teach the dog to pick up the goods ?

command take -, actually being able to be taught together hold command when dogs are trained with how to play. By the time the goods / objects thrown pleasure dog, then the dog can be given a command - grab, when the dog ran to get the goods / items pleasures.

Another way to teach commands -Take, if the dog does not want to take the dog is approaching the goods / items to be taken and the handler took the goods / object and put them in the dog's mouth, accompanied by the cue - hold In this case the command - hold, must be taught and mastered by the dog.

How to train your dog not to jump towards you ?

The first method, step back as he gave the order "Stand back!" And then command "Sit!" Another method is to catch both the front legs and advanced towards him while repeating the command "Stand back!" praise when he obeyed.

How to Teach your dog sit ?

 attach the rope, and give the command while pressing down the back of her head and pull up gently using a rope. Then, immediately praise. Repeat these steps until your dog to obey.

How to Teach your dog to remain sitting still ?

Use the command "Shut Up !" While standing in front of him and stretched out your hand to him with the palms facing down. If the moves, say "Stop" and return it to its original position. Repeat this command, and praise your dog when he sat for a time. If he obeyed the command, Extend seat time and also the distance between you and your dog gradually.

The best way to teach your dog to come closer ?
is to use a long strap and pull it gently while giving the command "Come !" When he approaches you, stand back as he continued to praise him. Not long afterwards he will obey you without the need to be draw with rope. If your dog is struggling and do not want to obey the command "Here !". Call upon and ran away. Typically, the dog will instinctively chase.

How to Teach your dog walk beside you ?

Not precede or lag. for that, use drills and chain necklace lanyard. Put the dog on your left side and then give the command "Move !" While stepping with the left foot. If the tried to precede you or behind, tapping rope quickly patting your left knee and said "Legs". Praise when he obeyed.

How to teach a dog to roll over ?

1.Command your dog to lie down on her side. You can use the command 'dead , Dog !" For ordering the dog to play dead so that he immediately play down.
2. Handful both legs with your hands. Hold the front legs and hind legs that are close to the floor. Grasp it firmly but not painful.
3. Roll dog's body in the direction opposite to exemplify how to roll over. do this until your dog understands what you mean.
4. Praise your dog if he successfully rolled over on their own. Dogs who love attention and love to be praised will easily learn the commands you want.
 5. Do not forget to use the command 'roll' as a sign for a dog to roll over. You can also teach your dog hand. You can also teach your dog hand signals in order for it to roll over, for example, saying 'bolster' you rotate the wrist.


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