Minggu, 22 Desember 2013

9 ways to maintain blood pressure remains stable

blood pressure remains stable
   Blood pressure affect a variety of things on one's health. The higher the blood a person becomes at risk for having symptoms of other diseases, such as stroke or heart attack. normally, blood pressure stands at 120/80 mmHg for age. People who have hypertension usually develop symtoms of dizziness, easy emotion , or pain in the neck area.
          if your blood pressure numbers  began to tread 190/40 mmHg should introspect ourselves. Visit your doctor to get the proper care that the blood pressure back to normal. However, The blood pressure can actually be done in order to remain stable deterrence. Quoted by the Times of India, Here's how :

          1. Stop consuming alcoholic beverages 
              either slightly or high levels, Alcohol makes the blood pressure go up significantly. The demon drink is also not good for the health or the liver. 
          2. avoid eating foods that are to salty
              many salt makes blood condition slightly thickened. The liquid is absorbed by the salt that enters the body. Circumstances such as these inhibit the rate of circulation so that the pressure becomes great .  

          3. Doing regular exercise 
              Exercise makes the body become filter. trained heart muscle to pump blood throughout the body optimally. Cholesterol and other fats are burned through metabolic processes. In effect, blood pressure tend stable than those who rarely exercised. 

          4. Eating foods rich in protassium
              most samples are easily obtained bananas and papayas. Both of these fruits have protassium which is quite high. Protassium is useful in blood flow in the arteries that feed continuously throughout the body tissues with oxygen. This substance also control the acidity and water balance in the body. Other foods rich in potassium is potatoes, cucumbers, oranges, cabbage, tomatoes, cauliflower, spinach, and broccoli.

          5. Avoid smoking for now on
              Cigarette smoke contains toxic tar that would trigger an increase in blood pressure. In addition, Cigarete toxins will damage blood cells and blood vessels. Not recommended be active smokers, passive smokers and third.

          6. Consumptions of fruits and vegetables on a regular basis
               Both of these natural foods and rich in nutrients. All fruits and Vegetables beneficial, unless you are diagnosed should avoid in part of them. 

          7. Music
              Listen to music her tone stable and doing breathing exercises turned out very well to keep your blood pressure remains normal. This is because, listening to music is a very good medium to dilate to arteries, eliminates anxiety and able to keep you from the constriction of blood vessels in the body.

           8. Laugh
               Laughter turned our very well to keep your blood pressure remained stable. it turns out laugh can also make blood vessels dilate by 22%. So that would make the blood vessels that will extend very well to improve blood circulation in the body and in turn will reduce high blood pressure or hypertensions.

           9. Coklat
                Dark chocolate it can keep your body's blood pressure remained normal anyway. According to a study conducted in Italy in 2008 suggested that eating dark chocolate every day for 15 days can help to lower systolic blood pressure. Therefore, Consumption of dark chocolate is so easy tips on your blood pressure remained stable.


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