Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

3 Reason why the flu when we are prohibited from entering office

The average person experiencing flu two or there times in a year. One of them may be a severe flu last up to several days.

Resting at home when sick with the flu is a common way of healing done. Nevertheless, not a few who insist stay in office despite ill.

According to Dr. Jennifer shu, a doctor from the United States, while the work piling up and deadlines approaching, many people who do not heed the flu and still forced to come to work. Though the way it will actually aggrevate their pain and prolong the healing process.

Following Shu explained three reasons to rest at home when the flu strikes.

1. You easily infect people
     The virus can spread quickly and directly from the sick to the  healthy, for example through a handshake or holding the same equipment. Some viruses can even survive long in the skin and other surfaces for several hours and infect other as well.

In addition, the virus can spread more quickly through coughing or sneezing. So you should avoid for work if your work relates to people or food. You also need to avoid the street with the children and the elderly who have weaker immune system.

2. You become less productive
    Instead of chasing deadlines, working when sick it can make you slow down and work hard to achieve the target. Pain makes if difficult to concentrate so that the work may be completed much longer than usual.

Yes, probably the work you can be more productive than the rest at home. But by then, you will heal faster and cath up with you later more efficient.

3. You will much longer heal
    Forcing yourself to work when sick can just slow down your healing. A number of studies show sleep deprivation weakens the immune system and make you more susceptible to the flu.

Conversely, getting enough sleep will improve the immune system making it easier for the body fight viral infections. So just when sick, ideally, you need a lot of sleep and do not force myself to keep working.

But if you do need to work, make sure you keep a distance from others. Wash your hands frequently, and use a mask or handkerchief to cover coughs and sneezes. Dispose of used tissues and wash your hands as possible thereafter.


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